Donor-Advised Fund

If you’re looking to give now to secure a current-year tax deduction, but want to take more time deciding how or when to give that money away, consider a Donor-Advised Fund. Many of our members give to All Saints through a DAF via The PCA Foundation, The National Christian Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, The Austin Community Foundation, etc.. Make a gift to your DAF, receive a tax deduction for the current tax year, and recommend grants at your pace (any time) to All Saints and your other favorite Christian ministries. You can open a DAF in minutes with an initial gift of as little as $1,000.
The PCA Foundation is also equipped to receive a variety of non-cash gifts such as: stocks, real estate, private business interests, and more. If you choose to set up a DAF with The PCA Foundation, there are two options: 
  1. There is no fee charged to the DAF, but investment earnings are not credited to the DAF: Advise and Consult Fund DAF
  2. A small fee is charged to the DAF, but investment earnings are credited to the DAF: Increase Fund DAF

Note: If you want to set up a DAF before the end of the year, it is recommended that you do so before Christmas Eve to allow time for your initial gift (likely cash or stock) to be processed. Gifting instructions can be found here.

The PCA Foundation is also equipped to receive a variety of non-cash gifts, e.g. family and other privately-held businesses and investment funds in the form of S corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships, stock options, restricted executive stock, real estate, and even cryptocurrency. Giving non-cash appreciated assets can yield a double benefit: exclusion from capital gains taxes (the equivalent of a deduction) plus an actual charitable deduction -- more tax savings than would be achieved by selling the asset and contributing the cash proceeds. Further, the PCA Foundation can facilitate complex gifts such as a Charitable Remainder Trust.

Consider a conversation with your tax advisor, and perhaps connecting your advisor with tax experts at the PCA Foundation for a collaboration that can maximize the Kingdom impact of your gifts. You can also learn more about all that the PCA Foundation offers in its comprehensive guide of services or in this video here
Thank you for your desire to be a wise steward of the gifts entrusted to you by the Lord. If you have any questions about giving, you may use the following form to contact our Executive Director of Operations, David Breeding: