Establish the Work
A community of God's people, called to live and to love as the Body of Christ.
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands." - Ps. 90:17
When we first built a church building in southwest Austin, this was our prayer. That the Lord would establish us as his Body, establish us as a life-giving part of the community. By his grace, we have seen this happen, to the point that we now need more room in order to welcome all those the Lord brings through our doors.
When we first built a church building in southwest Austin, this was our prayer. That the Lord would establish us as his Body, establish us as a life-giving part of the community. By his grace, we have seen this happen, to the point that we now need more room in order to welcome all those the Lord brings through our doors.
All Saints Sanctuary Project
The current space in which we gather for worship is titled "Interim Sanctuary." This is because All Saints has always planned to complete our campus design with a permanent Sanctuary. The design for this Sanctuary comes from Andersson-Wise Architects who also designed the first phase of our campus.
A combination of historic architectural elements complemented by clean modern touches, the design embodies the ancient-modern mixture of All Saints' worship services.
A combination of historic architectural elements complemented by clean modern touches, the design embodies the ancient-modern mixture of All Saints' worship services.
Where are we in the process?
The All Saints community has come together to pledge $25 million towards the sanctuary project. Thank you to all who are participating! With $25 million in pledges, All Saints has secured debt financing for the balance of the construction costs.
Although we have the means to begin the sanctuary building project, we remain hopeful for further contributions as construction continues. Additional gifts or pledges would enable us to minimize our reliance on borrowed funds.
Although we have the means to begin the sanctuary building project, we remain hopeful for further contributions as construction continues. Additional gifts or pledges would enable us to minimize our reliance on borrowed funds.
Is now the right time to begin giving to the Sanctuary Project?
For many, yes. If you've been considering making a donation, now is an excellent time to do so. All Saints is currently earning 4% interest on the funds on deposit, and will continue earning interest until those funds come due for construction draws. If you're ready to give, you can do so here.
If you have any questions or have a more complex gift, please contact David Breeding, or check out the many ways to give to All Saints.
If you have any questions or have a more complex gift, please contact David Breeding, or check out the many ways to give to All Saints.
Notable Features Include:
Bell Tower
Three Balcony Seating Areas
Youth and Classroom Space
Seating for 940 (with balconies)
Traditional Cruciform Shape
Wooden PewsBell Tower
Three Balcony Seating Areas
Youth and Classroom Space
Estimated Costs
At present, the sanctuary project costs are estimated as follows:
$31.8 MM construction costs
+$3.0 MM costs for architects, engineers, permitting, contingency, and FF&E (furniture, fixtures, and equipment)
$34.8 MM
$31.8 MM construction costs
+$3.0 MM costs for architects, engineers, permitting, contingency, and FF&E (furniture, fixtures, and equipment)
$34.8 MM

Plan View

Traditional Cruciform Shape


Why more room?
When All Saints first undertook to build our permanent church campus nearly a decade ago, we did so in faith that the Lord was calling us to put down roots and minister to the community in and around southwest Austin. Since that time, we have been blessed with abundant growth in many ways. We've grown in simple attendance from Sunday mornings to weekday ministries - across the board attendance growth. But we've also grown in depth, in the type of ministries we are able to support. Most recently, what began as a single, small ESL class, the Lord has shaped and grown into an entire ministry, an after-school program, and a Spanish-language worship service. All of the things that we do on our campus are only possible because of having a physical space in which to do them.
We want to continue not just to sustain our existing ministries, but to open up new opportunities for serving all those who come through our doors.
We want to continue not just to sustain our existing ministries, but to open up new opportunities for serving all those who come through our doors.
How we've already made room:
All Saints has already implemented several steps to open up more space for Sunday worship. In addition to the Sanctuary project, there are more in the works or being considered:
Three Worship Services
In April 2021, All Saints began offering three worship services every Sunday morning.
Spanish-language Service
In April 2023, All Saints launched its Spanish-speaking worship service which meets in the Chapel concurrently with the third English service.
Service Times
You may have noticed that our service times have changed a few times over the last several years. This is another way we seek to make room. By adjusting service times, we've discovered just the right times to balance attendance, opening more space to welcome guests and regular attenders.
Church Planting
In August 2024, All Saints commissioned several dozen of its members to plant Resurrection Presbyterian Church with Rev. Adam Radcliff in northwest Austin.

All Saints "Outdoor Overflow" on Easter Sunday 2024
All Saints Narthex overflow Sunday, August 20, 2023
Q&A Videos
You may submit a campaign pledge at any time here. If you have additional questions, fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you soon!