
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

In the gospels, Jesus says that everything God desires us to be, as both children and adults, is summed up by these two commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” This love is formed through worship, in the midst of relationships, and by serving those in need. At All Saints we seek to provide our children with opportunities to worship, to form life-giving relationships of mutual joy, and to give themselves away in service to others in childlike ways – the ways of Jesus’ kingdom.
We aim to provide a welcoming and nurturing environment for infants through 5th graders on Sunday mornings. Whether in the Nursery, Children's Church, Small Saints, or Sunday School, each age group enjoys tailored activities designed to help them grow in faith. Learn more about each offering here. 
If you're interested in learning more about baptism for your child or preparing your child to receive their first communion, you can find more information here. We’d love to help you get started! 
Does your child love music? Children's Choir offers a wonderful opportunity for your child to learn, serve, and bless through All Saints' Music and Arts Ministry! The Children's Choir performs on various Sundays throughout the school year. Connect with our Music and Arts Ministry here
All Saints Preschool is a ministry of All Saints Presbyterian Church. Our preschool provides a loving environment for each child to safely explore the wonder of God's world. You can learn more here
We have many ways for you to plug in to serve in the Children's Ministry. If you are not already connected, please complete the serving interest form here. Current volunteers can sign up here. Please contact Michael Clark with any questions.
Meet our team, follow us on social media, or sign up for our weekly Children’s ASK (All Saints Kids) email, which includes questions based on the lessons taught in Children’s Ministry on Sundays and is designed to help you engage with your child in the gospel!

Upcoming Events

Easter Egg Hunt

Join us on Saturday, April 12 at 10:00 AM for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt! This egg-stravaganza is filled with fun activities for the whole family, including a petting zoo, popcorn, and bounce house! The hunt will start promptly at 10:05 AM.  

If you have any questions or need more information, contact our Children's Events and Service Coordinator, Adele Creel.

Palm Sunday Processional

We invite children of all ages to join us on April 13 for a Palm Sunday processional during all three services. If your child would like to participate, please meet us in the All Saints Bookstore 10 minutes before the service you plan to attend.

If you have any questions or need more information, contact our Children's Events and Service Coordinator, Adele Creel.

Vacation Bible School

Blast off this summer with All Saints Vacation Bible School! Explore the vast universe of God's grace and discover how we can shine bright with His love, just as Jesus taught us. Our mission will be filled with exciting Bible stories, galactic games, and cosmic crafts! Registration is getting ready for launch—it’s going to be out of this world! The VBS closing dinner will be on Thursday, June 26 at 6:00 PM.

Meet The Team

Michael Clark
Children's Ministry Director

Bridget Blank
Children's Education Coordinator

Adele Creel
Children's Events and Service Coordinator

Amy Stewman
Preschool Director

Connect With Us

Each week, we send out an ASK (All Saints Kids) email featuring questions based on the lessons taught in Children’s Ministry on Sunday. This email is designed to help you engage with and encourage your child in the gospel!

If you have any questions, please complete the contact form below. We'd love to hear from you!