Formation Groups

A Formation Group is a gathering from All Saints that attends to God, grows in faith, and serves those in need together. We hope all of our members and regular attenders will participate in a Formation Group because we realize that deeper spiritual and relational growth happens in intimate settings. Formation Groups focus upon studying God's Word, practicing spiritual disciplines, and serving others. If you are not yet connected to a Formation Group, please complete the interest form below to get started.

Multigenerational and Co-Ed

Bluebonnet and Redbud Parish
Location: Lost Creek area
Day and Time: Tuesdays at 7:00 PM
Leaders: Sabra and Jon Boone, Caroline and Parker Jessee

Buckeye Parish
Location: Buckeye, Pecan, and Live Oak Parishes
Day and Time: To be determined.
Leaders: Hannah Phillips Frias and Adrian Frias

Cedar Parish
Location: Various homes in Southwest Austin & Dripping Springs
Day and Time: Mondays at 7:00 PM
Leaders: Jenny and Bruce Gregory
Live Oak Parish
Location: Tarrytown
Day and Time: Every other Monday at 6:45 PM
Leaders: Jeri and Vaughn Brock, Melissa and Doug Byrkit

Pecan Parish
Location: Various homes in Southwest Austin
Day and Time: Sunday evenings
Leader: B. Sterling Archer

Willow Parish
Location: Travis Country
Day and Time: Every other Sunday evening
Leaders: Sharon and Jeff Brantley

Unidos - Hispanic Ministry

Spanish-Speaking: Catecismo y Compañerismo
(Catechism & Fellowship)
Location: Buckeye
Day and Time: Every other Sunday evening
Leaders: Francisco Nieves
Spanish-Speaking: Comunidad del Evangelio (begins Thursday, August 28)
(Gospel Community)
Location: Sage and Cedar
Day and Time: Every Thursday evening
Leaders: David Vilches

50+ Groups

Bluebonnet Parish
Location: Westlake
Day and Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
Leaders: Dru and Craig Chapman

Buckeye Parish
Location: Virtual
Day and Time: 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 4:00 PM
Leaders: Susie and Bob Dolibois, and Stephen Hurd

Cedar Parish
Location: Southwest Austin
Day and Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month
Leaders: Patti and Bud Heininger
Pecan and Sage Parish
Location: South/Southwest Austin
Day and Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM
Leaders: Peggy Cuevas, Marvann Newcomb, and Mary Puryear

Willow Parish
Location: Various homes in Lantana and Southwest Parkway area
Day and Time: Mondays
Leaders: Claudia and Jeff Springer


Bluebonnet Parish
Location: Lost Creek area
Day and Time: Monday mornings
Leaders: Ben Hogan

Redbud Parish
Location: Texas Honey Ham
Day and Time: Thursday mornings
Leaders: Taylor Holcomb

Location: Westlake
Day and Time: Thursdays at 8:00 AM
Leaders: Todd Engemoen and John Maberry
Sage Parish
Location: Meridian
Day and Time: Mondays at 8:00 PM
Leaders: Aaron Boersma

Willow Parish
Location: All Saints
Day and Time: Thursdays at 6:30 AM
Leaders: Evan Hood and Joel Pardue

Location: All Saints
Day and Time: Thursdays at 7:30 PM
Leader: Austin Menges

Young Adults

Bluebonnet Parish
Location: Lost Creek area
Day and Time: Mondays at 7:30 PM
Leader: Kat Dryden

Location: Lost Creek area
Day and Time: Every other Tuesday at 7:30 PM (studying Concise Theology)
Leader: Brent Baker

Live Oak Parish
Location: Crestview
Day and Time: Wednesdays at 7:30 PM
Leader: Michelle Sloan

Location: Various homes around North/Central Austin
Day and Time: Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Leader: Mike Kytka

Location: Tarrytown
Day and Time: Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Leader: William Alderman
Sage and Cedar Parish
Young Professionals
Location: Oak Hill
Day and Time: First Wednesday of the month
Leaders: Ruth and David Vilches

Willow Parish
Location: Tarrytown
Day and Time: Tuesdays at 7:00 PM
Leaders: Anje Wood and Sarah Davis

Location: Travis Country
Day and Time: Every other Monday at 7:00 PM
Leader: Ruthie Broughton

Location: To be determined
Day and Time: To be determined
Leader: Will Stockdale

Middle and High School Groups

Grade: 6th Grade
Location: Host home
Day and Time: Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Leader: Koupper Covington

Grade: 9th Grade
Location: All Saints, Room 439
Day and Time: Sundays at 5:00 PM
Leaders: Multiple

Grade: High School
Location: All Saints, Room 108
Day and Time: Sundays at 6:45 PM
Leader: Thomas Fitch
Grade: 6th Grade
Location: Host home
Day and Time: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
Leader: Lizzie Davis and Sarah Christenbury

Grade: 7th and 8th Grade
Location: All Saints, Bookstore
Day and Time: Every other Monday at 6:30 PM
Leader: Emily Guest and Ruth Emmon

Grade: 9th Grade
Location: Summer Moon
Day and Time: Mondays at 5:00 PM
Leader: Emma Evans

Grade: 10th Grade
Location: Host home
Day and Time: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Leader: Christine Phillips and Kara Kennedy

Marriage & Parenting

These classes are taught on a semester basis. Please check out the Marriage & Parenting Ministry page for more information on start and end dates.
Merge Pre-Marriage Ministry
Parenting on Purpose
Raising Saints (Moms with children ages 1-5)
Re-Engage Marriage Ministry
Square One (First-Time Moms)

Recovery & Support

These groups are designed for you to jump in at any time. Please check out the Recovery & Support group page for more information and to connect. 
Addiction Recovery
Infertility & Pregnancy Loss
Infidelity Recovery
Parents of Children with Special Needs
Widows Support Group

Courtney Johnson

Coordinator for Membership, Formation, & Congregational Care

If you have any questions about our current Formation Groups or connecting with a group, please contact Courtney Johnson using the form below.