Men's Ministry

The All Saints Men’s Ministry seeks to support men in our calling to be servant leaders in our workplaces, families, neighborhoods and the church. We build community through small groups, fellowship gatherings, service and prayer. We seek to know and worship God, and encourage each other to follow Jesus with courage and faith.

Men's Spring Study

Wednesdays at 6:30 AM

1 Samuel is a story about leadership. Three men in particular who lead Israel as it is transformed from a theocracy to a monarchy: Samuel, Saul, and David. We will go through the book of 1 Samuel and consider the lessons it shows us about leadership, being committed, faithful, fearless, and responsible. Our study will be using the commentary, 1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart by Dale Ralph Davis. Breakfast tacos and coffee included. Join us on Wednesdays! You can jump in at any time.

The cost is $10 and includes breakfast tacos and coffee. You can also purchase a copy of the commentary for an additional $15.

Smaller Formation Groups

  • Tuesday 7:30 PM at All Saints
  • Tuesday 7:30 PM in Westlake (Young Adult Men)
  • Wednesday 7:30 PM at the church (addiction recovery, co-ed)
  • Thursday: 6:30 AM at All Saints
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM in Westlake

Men's Ministry Happenings

Connect With Us

Rev. Josh Keller
Associate Pastor

Blaire Phillips
Men's Coordinator