
"Like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither."
In today's world true, deep, and life-giving connection with other people is a rare thing. Even though we live in a society that is increasingly wired and "connected" in one sense of the word, there is a deep hunger and thirst for a community with which to do life together. That is what we hope to allow space for at All Saints. Our primary means of community is worship on Sundays, but in a large church such as ours, it is necessary to organize smaller in order to truly connect and become rooted like the Psalm 1 tree "planted by streams of water." In these smaller groups, the nourishing waters of the word of God, community with other saints, and lives of service lived together help to sustain and grow the people of God that as individuals and as a church we might fulfill our calling "to live and to love as Christ's Body in the world."
A Parish is used in the context of a church to define geographic areas. When someone becomes a member at All Saints they receive their parish designation based on where they live in Austin and the surrounding areas. Each parish has a leader team of at least one elder, one deacon, and one deaconess. As a member, you can expect the following from your parish leaders:
  • An individual touch base twice a year by phone or email.
  • An invitation to a parish-wide gathering twice a year.
  • Connection point for when a spiritual need or crises arises.

Parishes help ensure All Saints is caring well for those entrusted to her as a church. They can also help facilitate connection to smaller groups within the church.

Smaller Groups

Ministry Connections

The first step to connecting is showing up! That is just what our Ministry Connection Points offer - a place to just show up and begin to enter into the life of the church on a smaller scale. You can RSVP for these groups directly on their webpages below or you can just show up. All of these gatherings are designed for people to drop in at any point.
If you are looking for the traditional group setting (a.k.a Small Group, Life Group, Community Group, etc.) in which to study God's Word and do life together, this Smaller Group option is for you.  A Formation Group is a type of Smaller Group that meets regularly, often in someone's home, to share time together, open God's Word, and pray with and for each other. For help connecting to one of these groups, fill out our Formation Group Interest Form.


Sometimes the best place to make a new connection is by simply enjoying time with other people. All of our ministries have events throughout the year that are just that - a place to enjoy time with others who share a common interest or participate in a shared activity. Check out our calendar for the most up-to-date information.

HINT: filter the calendar by category (i.e. women's, men's, etc.) if you are looking for something specific!

Classes & Service

Two of our Ten Spiritual Formation Practices as a church are study and service. For those who enjoy connecting in a group while working towards a common goal, we offer classes and service opportunities. The following classes are regularly scheduled in the fall and spring semesters. In addition to these, we also have an occasional adult Sunday Class. These will be announced prior to the semester start date.

Current Classes

Support & Recovery Groups

"...we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." - Ephesians 4:15-17

All Saints has several groups that exist to uniquely and specifically support those walking through difficult seasons of life. For more information about how to get connected to one of these groups, visit our webpage.
  • Men's Addiction Recovery Group
  • Women's Infertility & Pregnancy Loss Support Group
  • Infidelity Recovery Group
  • Widow's Support Group (Pathfinders)