Summer Fellows

During college, we begin to ask and answer life’s big questions: Who am I? What is a “good life”? What are my passions? What career should I pursue? How we answer these questions shapes the course of our life.

At All Saints, we believe there is no better place to ask and answer these questions than in the Church. Over the course of the summer, we hope to guide you as you explore these questions: working in a field of interest, dialoguing with community leaders, growing as a fellows community, and being shepherded by a local church.

By the end of the summer, we believe you’ll grow in your love for God, your love for one another, and your love for the World.

2025 Program Overview

Program Dates - May 27 - July 31

Applications Open - October 1, 2024

Applications Close - January 3, 2025

Spots are limited, so we highly recommend applying early.
Three days a week, fellows work as summer interns in a given vocation (e.g. private equity, medicine, real estate, ministry, etc.). Fellows also receive theological training, participate in seminars with Christian scholars and community leaders, share life together, and enjoy one on-one mentoring relationships with mature believers. Fellows will receive formational care through:

Host Church: 

The host church functions as the hub of the fellows program: providing oversight, scheduling activities, and weaving fellows into the life of the church body.

Job Host

The job host is either a business or church that hires the fellow as a paid summer intern.


Each fellow is assigned a mentor. Mentors are members of the local church and employees of the fellow’s job host. Mentors will shepherd the fellow as they learn to integrate their faith with their vocation


$2000 Fellows Stipend

Endorsements from past Fellows

"The Fellows program was life changing and amazing."

"My favorite memory was when we would walk out of a roundtable dinner and look at each other in awe of the words that had just been spoken. I received so much wisdom and applicable advice from each couple. I loved that the chosen couples were in different stages of life and occupations. I can foresee myself reflecting back on these dinners for years to come."

"By working in the company I did over the summer, I have learned both business and personal skills. Moreover, my assignment this summer has improved my communication skills and time management skills. I am much more confident in verbal and nonverbal abilities. I will be able to implement these skills in my everyday life and future career."

"This is probably the most impactful thing I've done since high school, and that's saying a lot!"
"I feel like I have matured significantly through this program. I have a different perspective on my daily life and career. I realize the importance of self reflection. I am not only more prepared for my future but am truly excited for it!"

"This has been the most impactful summer of my life. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the Fellows and All Saints. I am so honored to have been a part of the program and hope that it continues for years to come. Thank you endlessly!"

Companies That Support Fellows