Room to Gather

Hospitality Room Remodel

Fostering community and connection with one another and our neighbors
• Sliding doors and expanded pathway to improve traffic flow and encourage gathering after worship.
• Lighting improvements to create a hospitable gathering space for our neighbors, including ESL classes.
• Acoustical treatment in the ceiling allowing for more connection through conversation.
All Saints seeks to make immediate campus improvements necessary to meet not only the needs of our church body but also those of our neighbors and community. Hospitality improvements such as these help to build community by providing a better, more hospitable space to engage with one another before and after worship and throughout the week.

Steeple and Cross Additions

  • Steeple addition to the top of the Interim Sanctuary.
  • Cross above the main entrance to the Chapel. 

Marking All Saints as a refuge and a home for our church body and our community.